Up to Date Upcoming Competitions from all leagues: Live Schedule
Tentative Schedule:
Saturday, April 19
12:00 PM Kids Female - Registration
2:00 PM Kids Male - Registration
4:00 PM Mature Kids Female - Registration
6:00PM Mature Kids Male - Registration
Sunday, April 20
1:00 PM Preteens - Preteen Male Registration - Preteen Female Registration
3:30 PM Teens Female, YA Female - Young Adult Female Registration - Teen Female Registration
5:00 PM Teens Male, YA Male - Young Adult Male Registration - Teen Male Registration
Other Event Information:
Check-in time is 20 minutes prior to the start time listed above for each category.
Space is limited for every age category - Sign up soon!
Run order will be determined by the WNL.
The registration deadline for the random run order is April 18 at 12 PM.
Redemption Time to competitors after your group competes/in between waves as time allows.
This is a WNL event. WNL rules and guidelines will be followed.
View rules here: Rulebook – World Ninja League
All divisions: $65 if registered by April 1. $70 starting April 2nd.
Refund Policy:
- Sorry, no refunds if less than 2 weeks before the event date.
- We do offer account credit when we are contacted before the event
Students at USA Ninja Challenge also compete in two World Wide Ninja Leagues.
USA Ninja Challenge - Durham is a partnered WNL Facility